Carrotts are famously good for our eyes thank to the vitamin A they contain, but other foods have their benefits too.
Category Archives: Eye Care
Should You Wear Face Shields & Safety Goggles?
Face shields became commonplace during the COVID pandemic. Learn more about them here.
Everything That You Need To Know About Computer Vision Syndrome and Children Eye health
With children spending more time than ever looking at screens, the risk of developing computer vision is increased. Find out more about the condition and how to prevent it.
Dry Eyes – Causes and Treatments
There are many possible causes of dry eyes. Find out what may be problem in your case and what you can do to treat it.
Double Vision: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments for Diplopia
Double vision can be disorienting, but learning to spot the symptoms early can help minimise its effects.
Vitamins for Eyes
Find out which vitamins and minerals play a role in maintaining good eye health.
Everything You Need To Know About Presbyopia
Presbyopia affects your close-range vision, making obkjects appear blurred. Learn why and how to treat it.
What to Do About Watery Eyes
Watery eyes are a common problem that can affect people of any age. depending on th ecause, there are various ways to treat this issue.
Cataracts are a serious condition and a leading cause of blindness. learn all about them in this article.
How to Relieve Tired Eyes
Just like in the rest of your body, the muscles in your eyes get tired when you use them a lot. Here are a few ways to relieve that feeling.