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How Multifocal Lenses Can Help You Keep Your New Year's Resolutions

By Claire Capuano

woman wearing glasses

As 2023 draws to a close, there’s a palpable buzz in the air—a collective anticipation for the fresh start of a new year. 

We begin to reflect on our past twelve months, considering victories, lessons learned and moments cherished. 

Amidst this retrospective glance, a forward-looking gaze emerges—a contemplation of possibilities, aspirations and the annual tradition of setting resolutions. 

It’s a time when we are filled with hope and eager to embrace the new year ahead. Many of us fill our resolution list with things like adopting healthier habits, pursuing passions, reading more books, travelling and saving more. 

We all start the year with an earnest desire to uphold these pledges, yet history whispers tales of abandoned gym memberships, half-read books and neglected intentions.

What if, amidst these well-intentioned aspirations, you had a steadfast companion –  a partner-in-crime, if you will – to keep you on track. In 2024, let multifocal lenses be the tool to prevent you from making excuses and help you in reaching your goals. 

What are multifocal lenses?

Multifocal lenses, also known as multifocal lenses, are a marvel in the realm of eyewear. They offer a seamless solution for vision correction at varying distances. 

Unlike traditional bifocal lenses with distinct segments for near and distance vision, multifocal lenses boast a gradual transition between these zones. 

Crafted with a smooth gradient of lens powers, they cater to multiple vision needs—allowing wearers to see clearly at various distances without the stark divisions of bifocals or trifocals. 

These lenses accommodate the needs for reading, intermediate and distance vision, providing wearers with a more natural and continuous visual experience, whether it’s focusing on a book, computer screen, kettlebells or admiring a distant landscape.

progressive lenses
progressive lenses

How can multifocal lenses help me stay fit?

Depending on the type of activity, multifocal lenses can be beneficial for exercises that involve a range of distances or varying focal points. 

For instance, multifocal lenses can be quite helpful during a gym workout, where you might switch between using a treadmill (distance vision) and checking your phone or watching a screen for workout guidance (near vision). 

They offer a seamless transition between different vision zones, allowing wearers to maintain clarity without switching between multiple glasses.

It’s always advisable to consult with an eye care professional to determine the most suitable eyewear for specific exercise routines based on your individual needs and preferences.

Can I read with multifocal lenses?

So you’ve made a resolution to read more books. It’s a commitment to enrich the soul and expand the horizons of knowledge. 

This pledge isn’t just about the sheer number of books but about carving out moments for introspection, discovery and the sheer joy of immersing oneself in storytelling. 

Reading with multifocal lenses is quite common, as the lower portion of the lens is dedicated to close-up tasks like reading. You can comfortably focus on close-range activities without switching to separate reading glasses

When you’re reading, tilt your chin slightly downward to look through the lower portion of the lenses, allowing you to comfortably focus on the text without straining your eyes.

woman wearing glasses and reading
woman wearing glasses and reading

Take the stress out of travel

Maybe you’re an over-packer, or perhaps you only bring the necessities; either way, multifocal lenses eliminate the hassle of packing and switching between multiple pairs of glasses.  

Whether admiring distant landscapes, reading maps or guidebooks or checking information on our phones, we often encounter scenarios that demand clear vision at different distances while travelling. 

With multifocal lenses, you can seamlessly transition between these activities without swapping glasses. This versatility ensures you can enjoy the sights and activities fully without compromising visual clarity or convenience. 

In 2024, enjoy a vacation where the sights aren’t blurred, the maps aren’t cryptic hieroglyphics and the missed wonders aren’t part of the travel saga. 

It’s the magic of having the right glasses. A pair that acts as your trusty sidekick, decoding every street sign, menu item and museum plaque.

Spend more wisely

Deciding to save money as a New Year’s resolution is all about becoming the master of coins, the sultan of savings and a financial champ. 

This resolution becomes a journey of conscientious choices, a dance between budgeting and aspirations, aiming not just for frugality but for financial freedom.

Investing in a pair of multifocal lenses can save you money over time. Firstly, they eliminate the need for multiple pairs of glasses. 

Instead of purchasing separate glasses for reading, distance vision and intermediate tasks, multifocal lenses reduce the cost of multiple frames and lenses.

Their versatility means you don’t have to constantly switch between different pairs of glasses, reducing the risk of misplacing or damaging additional pairs, which could incur replacement costs.

While the initial investment in multifocal lenses might be higher than a single-vision lens, their multifunctionality and long-term utility can lead to cost savings by minimising the need for multiple purchases and replacements over time.

man wearing glasses
man wearing glasses

Stay on top of your 2024 resolutions

Staying on top of your New Year’s resolutions requires attention, determination and consistency. 

It’s not just about making grand declarations on January 1st but about cultivating habits and routines that sustain your goals throughout the year. 

Multifocal lenses aren’t just for clever vision; they’re your accomplice in conquering goals. With them, you’ve got a constant reminder to stay focused on your resolutions. They’re like your visual cheerleader, nudging you to keep your eyes on the prize. 

So, as you stride through 2024, let your resolutions be your destination, and let those multifocal lenses be the superpower that keeps your vision sharp and your goals in sight. Happy New Year!

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